Date: May 31 and June 1 2024
Time: 10am to 2pm & by appointment
Cost: $25 a Net

Improper disposal or loss of fish nets at sea creates environmental hazards. Derelict “ghost” nets continue to catch fish, entangle and kill marine mammals and birds, and also endanger mariners in rivers and oceans. Fish nets are made from a recyclable plastic (nylon) that can be reprocessed into raw material that is manufactured into many other products. HFR has been recycling fish nets since 2015 and consults with Net Your Problem on statewide efforts to adapt to the evolving fish net recycling market.
Guidelines for preparing gillnets for recycling
Remove all non-web material including: cork line, cork, weed line, lead line, hanging twine. Stripping away lines is part of the normal routine of replacing web. Please ensure the non-recyclable hanging twine doesn’t get mixed in with the recyclable web.
Weed line (usually discarded): Cut the hanging twine so it remains attached to the weed line.
Cork line (usually salvaged for reuse): Untie knots to detach from weed line OR hold on to the hangings as you cut the knots.
Lead line (usually salvaged): Hold on to the hangings as you cut the knots. Toss cut hangings to the side as you strip the web.
Dispose of hangings.
Please bring bundled clean web for recycling to the Recycling Center. Tie web top and bottom with a piece of patch web; try not to introduce any non-recyclable lines into the bundle. Separated lines can be brought coiled for Net Your Problem’s
waste-to-energy program.
Information provided by Haines Friends of Recycling and Net Your Problem. Questions? Contact Us.